Why Physical Therapy is The Best for Arthritis Pain Relief?


If your joint pain makes your daily routine a difficult task or the slightest movement can aggravate the joint pain, then the chances are that you might have arthritis. Arthritis is a group of joint diseases, disturbing the joints, muscles, and tendons. 

Arthritis has many types which affect several joint regions like the knee, ankle, or hip. According to an analysis, over 54 million adults in the US have arthritis, out of which 24 million adults have difficulty with daily activities. 

If your struggle never ends with this joint pain, then physical therapy could be your option for pain relief for arthritis in Picayune, MS. In this article, we’ll discuss how physical therapy can alleviate arthritis pain. 

Know About Arthritis

Before you book an appointment with your therapist, there are a few things you should know about the condition. Arthritis has many types (over 100), but osteoarthritis is the most common form which disrupts the cartilage. Physical therapy is perfect for osteoarthritis pain relief. 

Arthritis is a chronic condition that directly affects the movement of an individual. As joints play a vital role in every action, any damage will result in restricted movement or inflammation. Arthritis attacks these joints making any movement painful. 

There’s a misconception that only older adults can get arthritis; however, the truth is it can affect anyone irrespective of their age. You can read the symptoms below to know more about the joint pain:


It isn’t easy to distinguish normal pain from arthritis unless you know the symptoms. If these symptoms last longer than usual, then the chances are that you might have arthritis. 

  • Lingering joint pain
  • Joint pain aggravates after any movement or activity
  • Stiffness affects the mobility
  • Swelling
  • Weakness and fever
  • Less productivity and lethargy

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Arthritis

Although several treatments are available for arthritis, like medication or surgery, physical therapy remains on the top as it comes with zero side effects. 

Get Rid Of Pain

Arthritis can cause constant pain in the joint; you can contact a therapist depending on the severity. An experienced therapist will assess your condition and create an effective plan. 

If you follow the therapy plan without missing any session, you can get rid of the pain. The first goal of physical therapy is to counter the pain. 

Bid Adieu to Joint Stiffness

Joint stiffness is another product of arthritis that can disrupt movement. In the absence of treatment, stiffness can persist, resulting in fatal joint injuries. It can create health concerns in the future; thus, treating joint stiffness is crucial. 

A physical therapist will help you release the tension and regain control. The therapist uses multiple methods like massage or exercises to treat joint stiffness. So, if you’re facing stiffness issues, contact a therapist for an evaluation.

Better Flexibility

Without proper treatment, arthritis will affect your flexibility in the longer run. As arthritis symptoms like inflammation, pain, or swelling get more profound, there is a downfall in flexibility. 

Physical therapy sessions can help you out with these issues. All you have to do is find an expert therapist and follow every session. Physical therapy consists of several exercises and stretches that can boost the flexibility of an individual. 

Weight Loss

For every extra pound of bodyweight, the knee joint has to take four times more pressure. Thus, increasing body weight could be a sign of concern for you. If you gain or lose weight rapidly, it can affect your joints, resulting in arthritis. 

Physical therapy can help you to maintain a healthy weight. The therapist will do a proper evaluation, and once they know the reason for weight gain, you can start the session. Weight loss, however, is a long process that requires grit and patience. So, it’s best to follow the instructions of your therapist without failing. 

Injury Prevention

Lack of mobility and balance can be a reason behind fatal injuries. These injuries can further degrade the condition, making the recovery process a hornet’s nest. Joints suffering from arthritis are prone to get injured, as they are in a vulnerable state. 

The option of physical therapy comes as a godsend because it can prevent injuries. The injury prevention methods could differ depending on several factors (like severity or cause of damage).

Range of Motion

Arthritis pain can make even the simplest movement next to impossible. Reduction of space between the joints can cause pain, and it can tighten the muscles. The pain and stiffness directly impact the range of motion. 

The best option is to contact a physical therapist for pain relief for arthritis in Picayune, MS. The therapist will provide you with some easy range of motion exercises. 


If you don’t want to surrender to the arthritis symptoms, maintaining a good posture is crucial. The physical therapist will tell you the ways to get the best possible posture without affecting the condition. 

Knowing the posture will help you perform tasks efficiently without putting excessive pressure on the joints.


Physical therapy is a fantastic choice if you don’t want to suffer because of arthritis. Before booking a slot, try to know more about your therapist and their expertise.

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