Picture Hanging Systems – A Hanging System for Everyone

More than just picture hanging 1-70b8063d

These professional picture and photo hanging systems have been used across the globe for years and are now available for home use. Gallery Systems have been supplying leading organizations and businesses across the globe and now are fast supplying homes across the UK with their easy to use, affordable and easy picture hanging systems.

A picture hanging system is also known as a photo or art hanging system and consists of a track which is installed typically just under the cornicing in your home. This track is easily installed with screws and comes in 2 metre lengths. The lengths can be cut to size and easily expanded to fit any size wall. From the track, hangers are clipped into the edge of the track and these hangers’ slide all along the track. This allows the user to easily slide artworks along the length of the track, perfect for easily repositioning and changing pictures and photos. The hangers are then attached to an adjustable hook which slides up and down the hangers stainless steel or clear tape cable. These adjustable hooks attach to the item to be hung, whether it’s a photo, artwork or certificate a picture hanging system is able to be adjusted up and down and along the wall it is installed. This flexibility and ease of use has seen homes across the UK eager to install this affordable and easy to use picture hanging system.

Gallery Systems UK offer several types of picture hanging systems including the traditional gallery system, capable of holding the largest of artworks securely. For a minimalist and modern take Gallery Systems offer a slimline option that is unobtrusive and blends into a modern home. This slimline system can hold significant weight ensuring all your precious photos, artworks and certificates are safe and secure.

Once you have decided which picture hanging system is right for your home, office or business you may wish to consider how to hang your pictures on the wall. Where they should be placed, how high or low or even what types of picture to hang are all common questions people have when it comes to adding artwork to the walls.

Some basic tips and rules may help ensure you are not staring at a wall awkwardly and wishing you knew how to hang your pictures more aesthetically. Some of the simplest tricks and tips are below:

Suitable Artwork for Your Room

When choosing artwork is it important to ensure you like it, but also to make sure the size suits the space you wish to hang it in. Having a large artwork in a small room or on a small wall can make the room feel much smaller again. Likewise having a small artwork on a large wall, can be very difficult to look at and leaves a lot of blank space.

When choosing your artwork consider where you would like to hang it, if it is a small print and you have a big space, there is also the option of hanging multiple pictures or photos to create a bigger area that is covered with pictures. This is often used by designers who like to group colours, textures, or themes together within the artworks so give a sense of continuity.

If your artwork doesn’t match your lounge or furnishings you can add soft furnishings such as pillows or throws to make the artwork suit the space.

Where to Hang

Many people get this one wrong and it’s very simple to ensure you do it right. The general rule of thumb is to hang the centre of the artwork at eye level, this is an average eye level so if you are particularly tall or short you may wish to move it in your own home to suit your own likes and dislikes but for others it is generally at 144cms or 57 inches from the ground. This rule is for a blank wall so if you have furniture against the wall you would hang your artwork above this, generally approximately 8inches from the down from the top of the wall. This is where it is also important to use your own judgement and see where the picture suits the space you are hanging it in. S

For the budding interior designer or the timid first-time picture hanger, a picture hanging system from Gallery Systems will make the task at hand easy and enjoyable. The advantages of the picture system include the minimal damage to the walls it is installed of. As the track is attached with a couple of screws at the top of the wall there is very little wall damage, depending on your walls you may need anchors if you have brick walls. Once this track is installed no other part of the Gallery Systems picture hanging system touches the wall, causing no damage.

One of the biggest advantages to the picture hanging system is its ease of use and affordability. With the ability to move and change your wall art as much as you please at any time. Better yet if you have put your artwork too low, there are no nails or hammer needed to adjust, simply use the adjustable hook and move your artwork up higher on the wall.

With so many options to choose from, a Gallery Systems picture or slimline picture hanging system is perfect for home and office use. Join the growing number of homes across the UK discovering the benefits of installing a picture hanging system today.

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