Why are Core Exercises Said to be Very Important?

Core exercises are an important element of every workout routine. These exercises help to strengthen the pelvis, hips, and lower back. The best examples of core exercises are Crunches, reverse crunches, ball crunches, oblique crossing over crunches, air biking, plank, butt lifts, back extensions with the ball, etc. Below I’ll tell you about why core exercises are so important for you.

Why are core exercises said to be very important?

The top benefits of integrating them in core exercises are listed below. Therefore, we must include this type of exercise in our daily routine.

1. Healthy pelvic floor

A strong pelvic floor is essential during pregnancy and delivery. But not only in these moments, women should take care of their health in this regard, but even in menopause, to avoid related dysfunctions.

Similarly, everyone’s quality of life can be affected equally when the pelvic floor is weak, as this has various consequences, such as a decrease in the prostate or rectum in men, which is associated with urinary incontinence and faecal.

2. Better posture

A weak core does not help us support the body’s weight, either in movement or at rest. But, by strengthening it, it will be easier for us to maintain a correct posture.

3. Avoid back problems

A strong core and correct posture are the best prevention measures to avoid back pain, particularly in the lower back.

Research has shown that lumbar stabilization exercise programs have been successfully used to treat lumbar pain and improve back health.

4. Balance, stability and coordination

The core is the centre of the body. It helps us with the stability of the spine and balance, maintaining coordination when performing any movement. Also, even if we misstep, we don’t lose our balance whether walking or running.

5. Economy and efficiency of movements

For a gymnast, skater or basketball player, the movements have to be precise. In sports, an imbalance affects performance. In addition, precision in effort avoids unnecessary wear.

With a strong core, energy is distributed more efficiently. According to studies, even running work is maximized, and performance improves by exercise in this area.

6. Less chance of injury

If the actions are precise, the integrity itself is protected, avoiding wrong movements that can bring injuries. In other words, a strong core means better control, firmness and precision, greater balance and stability, as well as less impact on bones and joints.

7. Reduction of fatigue

Both in sport and in everyday life, a stable core allows the performance of movements with less expense, avoiding unnecessary efforts. Helps maintain good posture and breathe better. Maximum use of oxygen is also a reduction of fatigue.

8. Toned abdomen

Although we are interested in core exercise for health reasons, we cannot forget that the aesthetic part is favored. And this brings additional benefits because when we look good, we feel better about ourselves.

9. Postpartum recovery

Core exercise helps reduce postpartum effects, recovering the functions of the pelvic floor, both sexually and in relation to incontinence. It also improves body posture, especially the curvature of the spine.

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