What a Memorial Garden Can Bring to the Community

If you are a leader or just an activist in your local community, one possible way that you can create something special is with a memorial garden. This could be to honor some particularly special members of the area or it could be in recognition of a serious event that happened in the past. Whatever the case, a memorial garden can certainly bring a lot to the local area, and here are just some of the key things. 

Connection with Nature 

The connection between human beings and nature is something that has been lost or damaged in many places over recent years. However, a community garden is just one of the ways that you can hope to rediscover this connection in the spirit of memory. Fresh air and being amongst plant life has also been shown to improve an overall sense of mental wellbeing. On the flip side, too much time indoors can have a negative impact on our mental health. 

Establish New Traditions 

Traditions are what help to bring a community together, and if your area has suffered from not having enough of them, a garden is a perfect place to start some new ones. Getting people together in the planting and maintenance of the garden can also help to establish a new sense of purpose. This also provides you with a new space where you can hold memorial rituals and grieve healthily. If you look into columbarium niche design, this gives you the opportunity to create the most beautiful space possible. 

Create New Friendships 

There are all sorts of different people who would like the opportunity to make new friends in their local area, and a community garden is a great way of fostering and forging these new connections. People who are going through grief often need these friendships even more – particularly if they are elderly or otherwise isolated. Essentially, the excuse to bring people out of their homes in the spirit of connection is always going to be a positive step to building a stronger community. 

Improve the Community Image 

The simple fact that a community garden is a beautiful space is just another one of the key reasons why it is a good idea to establish one. If your area has been somewhat neglected over recent months and years, this can help to bring it back a sense of pride. Ultimately, this can help to bring back some positivity into the area that may otherwise have been missing. 

Range of Different Options 

Finally, you have a range of different options when it comes to creating the perfect community garden. You could set up some memorial benches, a fountain, a birdfeeder, or a place for butterflies. Plus, you have so many different options in terms of the flowers and trees that you plant and look after. 

If you were thinking of bringing a community garden to the local area, these are just some of the positive things that it can bring.

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