Root Canal Therapy: Frequently Asked Questions


General description

A diseased or injured nerve means a tooth is likely to be lost. Thanks to root canal therapy, this is no longer the case. The procedure may require up to three visits to the dentist but causes little or no discomfort. The main advantage is that it is possible to preserve your tooth and save your smile.

What is a root canal treatment?

Each tooth contains pulp that supplies nutrients and nerves to the tooth. This pulp connects to the root. The pulp tissue dies in case the pulp is sick or injured. If you choose to do nothing, your tooth will become infected and you risk losing it. Tooth root canal therapy will save the damaged pulp in the root canal. The dentist will remove the diseased pulp, reshape the canal, seal it to protect it and strengthen your tooth by placing a crown.

Why do I need a root canal treatment?

If you don’t treat a diseased or injured nerve, the infection will spread because your tooth won’t be able to heal on its own. Pus develops at the root tip of the jaw when left untreated and forms a “pocket of pus” called an abscess. An abscess can damage the bone around the teeth. The bone around your tooth will break and your tooth may loosen until it falls out. The pain tends to increase.

In addition to root canal treatment, you have another option. You can choose to have your tooth pulled. This is cheaper, but you will get a missing tooth. The consequences include a bad bite if the surrounding teeth shift into crooked positions. This means that it may be necessary for a bridge or implant that is likely to be more expensive than root canal treatment. It is advisable to opt for root canal treatment, because it preserves your original teeth.

How do I choose a suitable dentist?

Your dentist can help you with diseased and injured nerves in your teeth that need root canal treatment. It is generally a simple procedure. Feel free to discuss other treatment options with your dentist.

What Causes Pulmonary Nerve Damage?

Trauma and physical irritation are the two most common causes of pulp nerve damage. Sensitive nerve tissue in the tooth can be damaged by trauma to a tooth. This can be the result of a hard blow to a tooth. The physical irritation is due to the spread of tooth decay to the nerve. The result is decay and infection if destructive bacteria come into contact with the nerve.

What are the symptoms of pulp nerve damage?

There are several symptoms of pulp nerve damage. They can be similar to other conditions. Therefore, it is important to visit a dentist to diagnose the exact problem. Symptoms include facial swelling, increased tooth sensitivity when consuming hot and cold drinks, tooth pain caused by chewing and biting. It is worth noting that each person can experience these symptoms to varying degrees.

What is a root canal treatment?

The pulp is soft tissue that contains the veins, arteries, nerves, and lymphatics associated with your tooth. The pulp is located under the outer enamel of the tooth and in the dentin. Root canals can be described as small, thin sections that branch from the upper pulp chamber and continue to the root.

What is ‘gum pulp’?

Inside each tooth is pulp, the soft tissue that supplies nutrients and nerves to the tooth. The pulp contains blood vessels, connective tissue and nerves. It runs like a thread through the root.

What does the treatment involve?

Root canal therapy requires up to three visits to the dentist.
The treatment proceeds through the steps below.

1. An opening is made through the crown of the tooth into the pulp chamber.

2. The dental pulp is extracted.

3. The root canal(s) are cleaned, enlarged and shaped so that they can be filled.

4. Medicines can be introduced into the pulp chamber and root canals to kill harmful bacteria and prevent further infection.

5. Your dentist may decide to drain the tooth and leave it uncovered for a few days. Otherwise, a temporary filling is used over the opening to protect the tooth for the next dental visit. You may also be given medicine to control the infection. This is to help control the infection outside the tooth.

6. The pulp chamber and root canals are filled and sealed.

7. The temporary filling is removed and the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and filled.

8. A gold or porcelain crown is placed over the tooth.

9. The dental crown is then restored.

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