How to Improve Your Final Mile Delivery Operations

The majority of small businesses that are operating today will know the importance of final mile delivery. No matter what industry your business is operating in, if you are selling products online, you will rely on final mile delivery. When final mile delivery is executed to a high standard, it can hugely increase customer satisfaction rates while saving you both time and money.

Consistently offering customers high-quality final mile delivery can be a difficult task to master. This guide is here to help small businesses learn how to improve final mile delivery options to increase customer satisfaction, gain a competitive edge and save business resources.

Offer Customer’s Delivery Options

Consumers today have become accustomed to choice, and this expectation continues right up to delivery methods. In fact, one study found that up to 40% of consumers would abandon a shopping cart if it did not offer next-day delivery options.

You might not necessarily be able to facilitate next-day delivery but offering your customers a range of delivery options to suit their preferences will improve customer satisfaction rates.

Adopt a Sustainable Focus

Consumers today are much more sustainably focused than ever before. While shoppers have become used to next-day delivery options, thanks to big companies like Amazon, many customers would forgo speedy delivery for a sustainable shipping option.

While people are becoming increasingly aware of both the human and environmental impact of high delivery schedules, there is still a lot of relevant information to fully come into the public consciousness. Adding in some information about how you are working to ship products sustainably will help you educate your customers. This will also help customers to become more sympathetic to slower shipping times if they are required.

Offer Tracking Information

Studies have found that knowing the time that a parcel is going to be delivered is the number one priority of 83% of consumers. You should look into using a technological last mile solution to provide your customers with the up-to-date information they desire.

Have a Back-up Plan

Any e-commerce business owner will tell you that sometimes peaks in sales just cannot be predicted. When you are experiencing an unexpected peak, it is vital that you can continue offering the highest quality final mile delivery. You should sign up now to a load board jobs platform so you can easily access a database of high-quality drivers when you experience an increase in demand.

Consult Customer Data

When you are looking to further increase the quality of your final mile delivery solutions, you should consult all relevant customer data available. If you do not, then you are essentially just working off assumptions. If you do not have very much data on delivery, you should contact customers once they have received their orders to ask for feedback.

Regularly consulting customer data will help you understand where your delivery services are excelling and which areas need more work. This is a vital practice to ensure that you continue to operate at the highest possible standards. 

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