How Long Does it Take Acne Scars to Heal?

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Acne is one of the most popular skin problems. Despite a difference in the causes, these can leave scars on the face. Not only does this ruin the entire look,it may also invite other skin problems.

It is possible to get rid of these problems with the help of many treatments. However, one must have a knowledge of important aspects of the treatment they are going through. This write-up throws light on the impacts and overview of such treatments.

Underlying causes of acne scars 

Out of a long list of causes that might result in the formation of acne scars, here are some key causes that you must know: 

  • Acne scars occur on the skin that is already suffering from any sort of damage. 
  • Acne inflammation makes the blood cells rush along with collagen, 
  • This action is supposed to treat the injured area but this can’t return the initial state of the skin. 

Acne scars are caused when the skin doesn’t get enough time to heal and this action of the skin occurs.

What are the different types of acne scars?

Acne scars are of different types. To get rid of these scars, the first step is the identification of the type. These are the common types of scars that have been considered in most of the cases:

Depressed scars

  • A depressed scar goes down into the skin. 
  • They may be shallow or penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. 
  • These are categorised in rolling, boxcar,and ice-pick scars.

Raised scars 

  • Having a raised scar indicates a prior presence of a cyst. 
  • The presence of the cyst forms a scar that is a thick layer of rubbery scar tissue that protrudes out of the skin. 
  • These scars are mostly found on the chest, back, and jawline. 
  • One of the most effective treatments of these scars is the laser resurfacing. 

Discoloured scars

  • A discoloured scar may or may not match your skin tone.
  • It can also be red in many cases. 
  • This is the most common type of acne that you might get. 
  • According to the experts, these scars are of the same texture as your skin. 
  • If they don’t get treated soon, they may become permanent on your skin. 

You cannot identify the type of scar merely by looking at it. Grab a mirror and feel if it goes down, rises or the third one.

How can you get rid of the acne scars? 

The formation of the scars results from the collagen build up in the voids that are already created by the acne. The principle behind the treatment methods lies in the elimination of the collagen from the voids. 

The next important part of your research after studying the causes and types is the treatment. With the help of these options, you might expect a particle or complete recovery after the advice of your doctor. 

Rejuvapen is one of the most cost-efficient treatments for acne scars. It makes use of needles to fill the pieces of collagen and reform the pattern of the skin.

Laser treatment: This treatment makes the use of laser light to break the scars down into collagen. 

The doctors, then, easily remove the collagen and fix all the other issues. In laser treatment, the recovery is quicker as it does not break down the entire skin. This penetrates deep into the skin, leading to a long term recovery. The last precaution is to make an appointment with your dermatologist.

How long will it take for acne scars to disappear after getting a treatment? 

Acne scars and acne marks are the main issues that disrupt the functioning of the skin. However, as fast as acne scars are concerned, the duration for them to disappear varies from 3-6 months. 

The factors affecting the recovery are:

  • Response of body to the treatment 
  • Original pattern/ texture of the skin
  • Intensity of the treatment taken 
  • The type of scar on your skin 

Remember, dealing with acne scars might take you a long time. This is because you would have to counter the changes taking place in the skin texture.


Acne is one of the most common skin problems faced by people of all age groups. It leaves scars and marks when people use any sort of ointment or gel against them. These scars or marks make the skin look different. Mostly, it creates a varied pattern in the skin. 

The patient, then, must conduct proper research and consult dermatologists. After a series of sessions, one gets ready for a treatment. Also, make sure you stay in touch with your doctor for fighting any side effects you observe during or after the acne scars’ treatment. 

If you need a team to assist you, you might consider gaining meaningful advice from a Skin specialist in UAE.

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