How hybrid events will define the future of virtual events


Our world is changing every day. And technology is playing an essential role in this procedure. And last year, this process was accelerated due to the outbreak of the pandemic. And as a result, we had to shift most of our operation to the digital world, including the events. 

The event industry around the world quickly adopted the technology by organising the virtual event. And we saw various types of virtual events. We attended the virtual conference, virtual trade shows, virtual award shows, virtual fairs and many more. 

I’m sure you must have attended at least one of these events last year. But as you know, virtual events often face technical issues. And this is enough reason to turn people off. However, the other big problem was the lack of engagement in virtual events. So the question is, what is the solution to this? And what will happen to virtual events once we return to our regular life? The answer is Hybrid events. To understand this, first, let’s look at the idea behind hybrid events.

Hybrid events – the new dawn of event industry

As the name suggests, hybrid is the cross between two things. In other words, it is the combination of two different things. Here, it is a combination of an in-person and a virtual event. But you must be thinking, how is it possible? So when an in-person event is made available to the virtual audience, it becomes a hybrid event. And to make this happen, you need the right technology. And in this case, it is a virtual event platform or software. So what you get as a result is the combination of two different types of events into another form of event, which is a hybrid event. 

Now that we have addressed the concept behind the hybrid event. Let’s understand why hybrid events are getting popular. And why they are trending in the event industry. Also, why they will continue to dominate in future. 

Reasons behind the growing popularity of hybrid events

  1. Cost efficiency

Organising a hybrid event is much more affordable & easy than an in-person event. The main reason behind this is you can cut down on your expenses. You don’t need to book a large venue. Also, you save money on things like food, travelling and accommodations. Hence, making the hybrid event a cost-effective option.

  1. Global Audience

By opting for the hybrid event, you can open the doors of your event to an international audience. Since your event can also be accessed virtually, people who can not travel to the venue of your event can attend your event. But don’t forget to mention the time according to different time zones for your international audience. 

  1. Time friendly

A hybrid event offers better flexibility of time than an in-person event. Firstly it saves the time of the virtual audience that otherwise would be used for travelling to the venue. Secondly, you don’t have to be present physically, which means those who have a busy schedule can also attend your event. Also, by providing the option of on-demand video of the event, your event will be accessible even after it has ended. Hence, greater time flexibility.

  1. Higher returns

People always worry about the returns on their investment. And that is true for the events also. With a Hybrid event, you can get better returns. You can shrink your expenses, host more audiences and access an international audience. Hence, much better returns in comparison to an in-person event. 

  1. Lower Carbon footprint

Apart from the money, you can also save resources with hybrid events. You can reduce the usage of supplies like paper, wood, energy and many more. It implies that a Hybrid event is more environmentally friendly than an in-person event. 

These are a few of the advantages of Hybrid events. And now, if you want to host your own hybrid event, you must be having some questions. One of them must be, is hosting a hybrid event is different from that virtual event? The answer is yes. But why? Let’s look into that.

Organising a hybrid event

As we have already discussed, a hybrid event is a combination of a virtual and in-person event. What it means that you are going to host two types of audiences. One is a live audience, those present physically at the venue. And another one is a virtual audience. Therefore, you need to prepare accordingly.

To organise a hybrid event, you need to make preparation for both types of audience. You need to hire staff specifically for a different audience.  

So you can bifurcate your staff into two teams. Each team member must know how to handle the respective audience. 

Also, you need to plan the schedule accordingly. For instance, if a speaker or guest gets late, how will you handle your audience on both mediums? Or how a virtual audience will be able to interact with speakers or guests present physically at your event. And so on. 

Now let’s look at how hybrid events stack up against virtual events. And why Hybrid events will define the future of virtual events. 

Hybrid events vs Virtual events

  1. More options for the audience

The audience gets the flexibility to choose between attending the event in-person or virtually. It might be possible that many interested people cannot visit an event due to time or financial constraints. So with hybrid events, you can easily bridge this gap. And can connect with a broader audience. But those who are able can attend your event in person. 

  1. Inclusivity and diversity 

In the hybrid event, there is a greater scope of efficient communication. It means people can interact face-to-face as well as digitally. In other words, apart from in-person and digital communication, the virtual and live audience can interact with each other. 

  1. High Production quality

Hybrid events generally have a much superior Production quality in comparison to virtual events. It can be in terms of light, sound and other types of equipment. Hybrid events compete with physical events in terms of Production quality. And sometimes even surpasses them. Higher production quality means a more upscale audience experience. 

  1. Greater sponsorship value

Not many people are comfortable with the idea of sponsoring a virtual event. And here comes the hybrid event for the rescue. Since a hybrid event is part physical and has more audience than a physical audience, it is simpler to sponsor. And in fact, Hybrid events have a higher sponsorship value because of their vast reach. 

  1. Safer option 

It has been more than a year since the pandemic has begun. And many countries are still facing the 2nd or 3rd wave of infection. So in these uncertain times, it is safe to host a hybrid event. You can organise a small scale event while following social distancing. And at the same time, you can live stream your event for millions of people around the world. 

We hope this article proves insightful. Share your thoughts on the future of virtual and hybrid events.

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