Essential Questions to Ask When Giving Dealer Scan Tool Services


Accurate diagnoses are extremely time-consuming and critical to achieve so, how can you know your diagnosis with the dealer scan tool is correct? Ask yourself these questions to make sure the diagnoses you are providing for your customer’s car is accurate and timely:

Can You Access The Original Build Data?

When it comes to diagnosing vehicle faults, there’s a difference between the original build data and the generic one. Remember that manufacturer-specific trouble codes are very different for each carmaker and accuracy is difficult to achieve if you don’t realize that. Therefore, always choose a diagnostic service that can provide accurate results according to the carmaker and their original build data.

Whether Or Not Information Is Licensed?

Each carmaker has its diagnostic software to give an accurate reading. For instance, Ford IDS software is specifically designed to give accurate reading about the Ford manufactured vehicles only. Now, the users who have proper licenses get the latest updates and releases. So, make sure your license provider uses the paid OEM subscriptions like Maverick Diagnostics.

Does Your Store Own Licensed OEM Versions?

It is not a good practice to use an unlicensed or a copied version for a service or product. If you do so, you will face ECU problems when you reprogram the system. So, before using such software ask yourself if you are willing to compromise your customer’s car with copied software. Of course not. Investing in licensed OEM versions is a better idea. It will not only last for much longer, but will help you to improve the reputation of your workshop as well.

How Often Are You Installing OEM updates on Your Diagnostic Tools?

Some devices install the OEM updates in a bulk, which is mostly only twice a year. This timeframe will leave a lot of gaps in the coverage, especially when you get newer models to repair. Plus, this will cost your workshop a fortune just to keep the software updated. That is why we suggest buying the latest diagnostic equipment that automatically installs the updates when available without any extra cost.

Are Your Technicians Trained To Use The Equipment?

With constant changes in vehicles and technology, it is becoming harder for technicians to stay up-to-date. It gives them a slight disadvantage. The constant changes can lead to mistakes and frustrating time delays. So, make sure your technicians are trained constantly to stay ahead of all the updates.

Is Your OEM Information Downloaded Automatically?

If you invest in cheap diagnostic tools, they will only scan for trouble codes and live-stream data, which isn’t enough to get a detailed and accurate diagnosis. So, carefully see which dealer scan tool you are investing in. If the tool is not automatically installing the OEM information, the data you receive is incomplete and inaccurate.

These are some of the common questions you should be clear about before giving diagnostic services for your customer’s cars. The most important takeaway from this guide is to avoid getting a generic scan tool. Rather invest in the latest technology for accurate diagnosis.

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