
Uploading your assignment five minutes before the deadline, but the webpage just won’t load? What if I tell you that instead of using your mobile data, you could just improve the speed of your current router? 

Here are five ways you can improve the speed of your current router 

1) Manipulate the Antenna: 

The antenna does all the magic. It’s the part of the router that’s broadcasting and receiving your Wi-Fi connection. You can also manipulate the signal of our router by moving the antenna. To spread the signal horizontally, keep your antenna vertical and if you are trying to spread the signal between floors, position it horizontally.  

Although most new routers come with a bad antenna, a simple way to improve the speed of your router is to buy a new antenna simply. However, make sure the new antenna is compatible with your router. Prices range from anywhere between Rs.1000 to Rs. 10,000. Here is one we recommend to get you started.  

2) Optimize Your Router’s Channel Settings: 

Sometimes, it turns out all you needed to do for faster internet was to change the router’s channel settings. Wi-Fi routers use radio frequencies to transfer and receive data. These frequencies are then divided into channels. So, if you have a home in a dense urban area, chances are too many routers are using the same channel. 

The solution? Well, a plethora of tools is available that scan the local airways and suggest channels with the least interference. This information can either be found in your documents or on the internet. The majority of routers use dual-band technology, broadcasting at the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies.  

 3) Is it too hot? 

Check to see in case your router is heated. If yes, it probably isn’t getting enough ventilation. Remove any objects; books. Clothes, other electronic devices, etc., and make sure there is enough space for air to circulate it. It is also recommended that you keep the router on a hard surface such as a table and keep it a little further from the wall. For more information on your router click here.


“Switch it off then on again it’ll work fine” haven’t we all heard this several times? Well, it’s time for you to do the same now. Log into your router’s app or the web interface and restart your router. You can also set a timer and have it rebooted when you are asleep.  

If this sounds too complicated, all you can do is switch off your router and broadband gateway (if they are separate), count to 10, and switch it back on again. This is definitely not a cure but a temporary fix while you go through our other tips. 

5) Location: 

Since the router competes with every 2.4GHz and 5GHz device in your area, changing the location of the router can improve its speed. If the router is in a basement or in a closet, it is going to be difficult for the Wi-Fi connection to pass through. We suggest you put your router in a central location in your home, away from your kitchen. Walls, cabinets, fireplaces, cupboards, metal fridges, and cordless phones can also hinder your router’s performance. The more obstacles a Wi-Fi signal passes, the weaker it gets, so changing the location away from these hindrances will improve the quality of your router. 

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