Adding Dimension with Puff Stitch Embroidery


Have you ever seen a jacket shimmering with sequins and thought, “Wow, I wish I could make something that fabulous!” Well, guess what? You can! Embroidery Jackets with sequins is a fantastic way to add a touch of glamour, personality, and sparkle to any jacket. It’s easier than you might think, and the results are truly eye-catching.

In the Craft Bazaar  will be your comprehensive guide to embroidering with sequins. We’ll cover everything you need to know, from choosing the right materials to stitching techniques and design ideas. So, grab your jacket, some sequins, and get ready to unleash your inner fashion designer!


  • Briefly introduce embroidery and puff stitch technique.
  • Highlight the purpose of the blog: to provide a comprehensive guide on using puff stitch embroidery to add dimension to projects, specifically focusing on jackets.
  • Mention the benefits of using puff stitch embroidery, such as creating a unique textured look and adding emphasis to design elements.

Materials and Tools 

  • List all the necessary materials for puff stitch embroidery on jackets, including:
  • Fabric jacket (preferably a medium-weight woven fabric)
  • Embroidery hoop (size appropriate for your project)
  • Embroidery needle (sharps are recommended)
  • Embroidery floss in various colors
  • Fabric stabilizer (optional, for heavyweight fabrics)
  • Embroidery scissors
  • Water-soluble marking pen (optional)
  • Puff stitch yarn (specify thickness and material)

Embroidery Design Preparation 

  • Discuss the importance of choosing a suitable design for puff stitch embroidery.
  • Recommend designs with bold outlines and well-defined shapes for better dimension creation.
  • Mention resources for finding puff stitch embroidery patterns (mention online marketplaces like Etsy or embroidery pattern websites).
  • Briefly explain how to transfer the chosen design onto the jacket fabric (mentioning methods like heat transfer paper, lightboxes, or iron-on transfers).

Puff Stitch Technique 

  • Provide a step-by-step guide on executing the puff stitch:
  • Threading the needle with embroidery floss and puff stitch yarn together (explain loop method or using a specific embroidery needle with multiple threading holes).
  • Securing the thread at the starting point.
  • Making the basic puff stitch: walking stitch motion to create a channel, then filling the channel with loops of puff yarn, securing each loop with a backstitch.
  • Include clear and detailed visuals to accompany the instructions (diagrams or high-quality photos).
  • Offer tips for achieving consistent puff stitch size and maintaining even tension throughout the embroidery process.
  • Discuss variations of the puff stitch, such as using different thicknesses of yarn or adding beads within the loops for extra embellishment.

Adding Dimension to Your Jacket Design 

  • Explain how to strategically use puff stitch embroidery to create a sense of dimension on your jacket.
  • Provide examples of using puff stitch for lettering, outlining shapes, or creating specific design elements that pop out visually.
  • Discuss combining puff stitch with other embroidery techniques like satin stitch or french knots for added texture and detail.

Finishing Touches and Care 

  • Instruct on properly finishing the embroidery by trimming excess threads and securing the ends.
  • Advise on washing and caring for the embroidered jacket (mentioning handwashing or delicate cycle if using heat-sensitive materials).


  • Briefly summarize the key takeaways of the blog.
  • Encourage readers to experiment with puff stitch embroidery and showcase their creations.

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