
SEO On-Page Optimization

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $59.00.

The Complete On-Page SEO Checklist:

Use concise page titles & H1 Tags.
Use descriptive and SEO-friendly URLs.
Have a compelling meta description.
Highlight the value of your page in the metadata.
Use proper subheadings and Header Tags.
Be cautious of keyword placements.
Provide a good user experience (UX).
Place internal links in your content.
Provide external or outbound links.
Ensure all links are working properly.
Spread secondary/LSI keywords in your content.
Do the necessary image optimizations.
Always do video optimization.
Have a strong call-to-action.
Implement proper schema markup.
Make sure your website is crawlable and indexable.
Track and target the right keywords.
Avoid keyword cannibalization.
Satisfy search intent.
Optimize for voice searches.
Use modifiers in your titles and keywords.
Optimize for featured snippets.
Write a good introduction.
Write relevant, quality, long-form content.
Add social sharing buttons.
Improve your page loading speed to 3 seconds.
Mobile-first indexing and responsive design.
Place a reviews and comment section.

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