How to Increase Website Traffic Without Writing New Posts?

To increase your website traffic you need to post more content, right?

Wrong! You don’t have to always churn out new contents to boost your website traffic. You can also get more visitors to your websites by using few incredible strategies which don’t require new content.

If you are searching for ways to increase your website traffic without publishing new posts, this article is for you where I’m going to discuss few simple traffic generation ways to get more visitors.

Tips to Increase Website Traffic without Posting New Content

Breathe Life Into Your Old Blog Posts

The simplest way to increase your website traffic is to improve your old blog posts. Optimize your old blog posts and pages if you haven’t properly optimized it before. Make sure each of your posts has a specific keyword to target for.

The only way to increase your overall SEO traffic is to improve your on-page SEO. That can be only done by performing a proper keyword research. So if you haven’t properly done with on-page SEO on your old blog posts, make sure to focus at least one keyword and use it in the headline, meta description and body to rank well in search engines.

Here are few pro tips to improve your old blog posts to increase website traffic without producing new content.

Tweak your Headlines. If a post doesn’t have a compelling title, tweak it and make it better.

Add more Information. By adding more value to the old blog posts, you can certainly improve the quality of your website content. Add the updated information on latest trends and also link to quality sites for more reference.

Include call to Actions. when updating your old posts. Ask your readers to either share your posts or leave a comment. This way you’ll increase your user engagement.

Note: Don’t EVER change your URL’s while updating your old blog posts or pages. It will result in 404 error pages and Google can penalize you for having 404 error pages. Change your headlines but not URL’s.

Tweet your Published Posts with a Twist

Tweak your headlines while tweeting your old blog posts instead of sharing with the default titles to increase your click through rates (CTR) and attract more people to click on your tweets.

The best way to increase your website traffic is through social media sites. Twitter is undoubtedly the best social media platform for bloggers who want to increase their website traffic. By tweeting your best stuff at regular intervals, you can attract a lot of new visitors to your sites.

You can use tools like BufferApp for scheduling posts in advance and you can actually see the analytics like how many clicks your tweets have generated and a number of retweets using this app.

Pro Tip: You can use a handy WordPress plugin called “Tweet Old Blog Posts”. It’s free and a powerful plugin that helps you tweet your old blog posts. The best thing about the plugin is you can actually schedule your posts for a specific time. You can tweet your old blog posts every 4 hours a day or whatever time intervals you like to bring more traffic to your websites.

Re-purpose your Content to Increase Website Traffic

What’s the use of publishing new posts without getting more online visibility? The simplest way to increase your articles visibility is to promote more. The more people you reach, the more traffic you can generate to your websites.

By repurposing your content, you can reach thousands of new visitors to your sites. The best thing is, you don’t have to brainstorm for this, just repurpose the posts that are valuable.

Repurposing your content also takes less time to research and gives you more traffic. Here are 3 of the best ways to repurpose your content.

Videos: Videos are really popular and most people would prefer watching videos over reading content. So if you have any detailed article that’s really valuable, convert it into a video to reach a wider audience. You can either create a self-made video explaining your content or use tools to animate your stuff.

Infographics: Infographics are very easy to digest. Even if you’ve lots of content, you can merge it into one infographic to receive lots of attention. Moreover, infographics attract a lot of links and shares.

PDF files: One of the easiest ways to repurpose your existing content is to convert into PDF files and upload them into popular sites to freely download your stuff. And also use a call to actions like sharing or subscribing to your blog within your PDF files to increase your conversion rates.

Improve Your Website’s Overall SEO Structure

The best way to increase your website traffic is to improve your SEO structure. The better your SEO structure, the more visitors you can drive from search engines to your websites.

Most beginners don’t focus on their SEO structure at all and because of this reason, they lack organic traffic no matter how hard they work.

Conduct an SEO audit to make sure your website is doing well in search engine results. Make sure your URL structure is properly optimized, check your website loading speed and make your site mobile friendly.

Use better SEO plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast to improve on-page optimization of your websites. Also make sure to get Google site links to improve your website’s overall click through rates (CTR), conversion rates and increase your brand’s awareness.

Final thoughts on how to increase website traffic without publishing new content, To sum up, your website traffic totally depends on how you promote your content. Promotion is the key to get more traffic, leads and sales to any website.

In fact, without proper promotion, no matter how great content you have, it won’t attract more social shares, links and traffic. So make sure to use the above ways to reach out more people without posting new content.

Do you have any more tips to increase website traffic without writing new content? Please share your thoughts in the comments and share this post with others if you find it useful.


Manish Agrawal is a full-time blogger and Founder of Ebizner Digital Marketing Company in Vadodara. In this Article, I have shared complete information how to get big traffic using Old Posts with multiple styles. I hope you like this Article.

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